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9929 North 95th Street
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Get Healthy Naturally with Jennifer Schmid | Speaker.  Healer.  Nurse.  Naturopath. 

Coming Out of the Psychic Closet


Our latest blogs and podcasts on earth-based medicine, current trends in healthcare, and finding the balance.

Coming Out of the Psychic Closet

Jennifer Schmid

Not all health problems are physical in nature. Just ask anyone who’s experienced a broken heart! Our mind and spirit also endure wounds that we need to heal. Sometimes the wounds of our mind and spirit can cause more “damage” than any physical injury or illness. Sometimes they can be the actual root cause of a physical illness. Sometimes our conditioning and programming can create blocks and limiting beliefs which prevent us from healing in all the ways we desire.

 Whether our health issues are physical, mental, or spiritual, not dealing with their root causes can hold us back from achieving our full potential and optimal life. This doesn’t mean that we have perfect health but rather that we can achieve an optimal state of health at all levels for where we’ve been, what we’ve experienced, and where we are right now.

Using the gifts we’ve been given is good for us

You might not know this about me, but I have a gift.

 I’ve been afraid to use this gift professionally or talk about it because of the stigma that can be attached to it.

 I know that some of you are going to hit “unsubscribe” after reading this blog, and I’m ok with that. Naturally I’ll be sorry to lose you, but I’m not sorry to start flying my “freak flag.” Hiding this gift has negatively impacted my health and well-being in so many ways because when I don’t acknowledge or use this gift, I am out of alignment. No more.

 About four years ago I had a phone call with a psychic business coach, Amber Annette, because I wasn’t seeing the results with my business that I wanted. The first words out of her mouth were, “When are you going to come out and admit that you are psychic? Hiding it inside of you is holding you back!”

I immediately became her client, because she was right, although until then I had refused to admit these gifts to myself. You see, when I was a small child, I knew I was different. I could see and feel things that no one else talked about. When I did talk about them, people said I was a “cute” child with a “vivid imagination.” I never told anyone that I could lie in bed awake, “detach” from the physical world, and float in the great cosmic void, blown away by the sheer magnitude of it all.

When I was five years old, I shut the portal to this world. As a little kindergartner who already felt different, I desperately wanted to fit in with my peers. How quickly in life our culture forces children to shut down their intuition and the parts of themselves that don’t seem “normal”!

With each pregnancy, however, the portal started to re-open. Growing another life inside of me connected me back to the spiritual world, to the energetic world, to the world of inner knowing. I only told one close friend what I was experiencing because she appeared to me in a dream as someone who would support this side of me. As an adult, I could only imagine what kinds of meds doctors would want to put me on if I told them about what I could see and feel.

Four years after that initial phone call with Amber, I’m finally ready to acknowledge this psychic side of myself and use this gift. Hiding it inside of me is definitely holding me back. Worse, hiding it is preventing me from helping people the way the universe has always intended.

I’m coming out of the psychic closet.

I’m going to combine what I know as a nurse and traditional naturopath with what I FEEL and see. I’m going to help people connect with their own highest selves and tap into their own inner knowing, so that they can take important steps to heal, whatever “healing” means to them.

My offering

I’m opening space to work with just a few people in this new way. Click here to learn more.

This is not about “curing” people. It’s not easy or passive. Sometimes healing is messy, especially when we get out of our heads and use our intuition because of how it might impact other people or how we live our lives. Our health care system isn’t set up to support our healing, especially when we use intuition and nature as our guides.

If you’ve worked with me before, you know how empowering it can be to set goals and receive natural tools for your healing. I’m taking it to the next level.

The Universe has bestowed this gift and blessing upon me. I’m excited to offer it to you now.

Click here to learn more.

Imagine how different this world would be if we could all offer our gifts and talents, no matter what they might be. I invited you to join me. And if for whatever reason you’re not ready to join me, that’s ok. I’m here when you’re ready.



Not quite ready but want to stay connected? I’d be honored. Submit your info here.

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