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Get Healthy Naturally with Jennifer Schmid | Speaker.  Healer.  Nurse.  Naturopath. 

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Filtering by Tag: essential oils

8 reasons why I didn’t get sick this winter, how much they cost me, and what I still need to work on

Jennifer Schmid

I did not get a cold or the flu this winter, despite being surrounded by snotty noses and some nasty coughs. (In my humble opinion, the flu vaccine is not the answer to health and well-being, let alone preventing illness. You can read more about my thoughts on the flu vaccine here.)

This is the first year in a long time that I didn’t come down with a cold or other upper respiratory bug. Last year wasn’t bad— I had one day where I felt absolutely miserable with aches and chills, spent that day in bed and woke up the next day with a mild cold that stuck with me for a week. This year though, my immune system was able to hold it together. Here’s what worked for me — and what I paid in $$ for it. 

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Rationalizing Water Rationing (when I just want to take a bath)

Jennifer Schmid

By now, everyone has heard about the water crisis here in California, how we are in the 4th year of one of the worst droughts in our state’s history. We now face water rationing and a steep hike in water prices. This means I have had to rethink my bath-as-self-care strategy. And I think I’ve found the answer!

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