Going with the Flow (the Juicy Astrology for August 16 through August 22, 2021, including the Full Moon)
Jennifer Schmid
My heart is full of gratitude for the wisdom of the cosmos. There are a LOT of reasons to get frustrated by the 3D world right now. When people operate from a place of fear (which is really the root emotion of the energies such as control, authority, power, and greed), it can be really easy for the most spiritual soul to get sucked into their shadows and black holes.
If you have been ignoring the messages of your body to start paying attention to your health, then Uranus, Mercury and Mars this week could jolt you into a reality you don’t want to face. As the Sun moves into Virgo after the Full Moon for the Autumnal Equinox, we’ll feel a rush of inspiration to get organized so that we can indeed focus on our health.
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