Emotions, the Immune System and Empathy
Jennifer Schmid
So my plan was to make a really cool video for you this past weekend. I had the content all sketched out and only needed to record it. It was about the different forms of intimacy we get to experience as people and how all types of intimacy are meant to help us connect and heal.
Instead, we forget this fact, and partially because of the images portrayed in our twisted media, we often think that intimacy revolves around sex and shame, and then we run away from it in fear. We do ourselves a huge disservice as human beings.
Anyway, the universe had other ideas about me making this video.
At first I only felt achy and funky, when you know that something is coming, and after a couple of days, it felt like two spear-emboldened sumo wrestlers were fighting the match of the century in my throat every time I tried to talk. Making a video was not an option.
You see, last week was really emotional for me. I’ll spare you the gory details, but suffice it to say, no amount of healthy foods, supplements or herbs could protect my cells or immune system from the mixed up mosh pit of anger, anguish and sadness I was feeling.
I simply didn’t have the words to express it all. And I “lost” my voice in the process.
When I look at it from this angle — the interplay of physical and emotional body — I’m struck with awe at the magnificence of our BEings. How is it even possible that my emotions can cause a system malfunction in my physical body?
Even though I still feel somewhat crappy, I have to smile at the universe’s inherent wisdom to slow me down so I can face my truth when I need it most.
We are beautiful miracles, aren’t we?
Rather than leave you empty-handed, I want to share with you this amazing video about empathy. I take no credit for it -- it was developed, produced and distributed by the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. I’ll be the first to say that I don’t really think of “holistic health” when I think of the Cleveland Clinic, but this video blew me away the first time I saw it.
Think about how empowering it feels when a health care practitioner takes the time to know your story and to connect with you. There’s an intimacy to it, isn’t there? I’d love it if you would share your stories by commenting below or on the Facebook group, The Wellness Oasis.
Watch the video from the Cleveland Clinic here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDDWvj_q-o8
In the meantime, I remain ever grateful to be able to connect with you through this forum.