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Get Healthy Naturally with Jennifer Schmid | Speaker.  Healer.  Nurse.  Naturopath. 

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Our latest blogs and podcasts on earth-based medicine, current trends in healthcare, and finding the balance.

Filtering by Tag: holistic health

Emotions, the Immune System and Empathy

Jennifer Schmid

So my plan was to make a really cool video for you this week. The universe had other ideas.

I started feeling achy and funky on Friday, and by yesterday morning, it felt like two spear-fighting sumo wrestlers were fighting the match of the century in my throat every time I tried to talk.  Ouch.

Rather than leave you empty-handed, I want to share with you this amazing video about empathy. It was developed and produced by the Cleveland Clinic. 

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Giving Up versus Letting Go

Jennifer Schmid

So often in our lives we think that we have to giving up pleasure to accomplish something, whether that's in our health, in relationships, or with our work. 

What if there was another way? How good would it feel to make space for something or someone instead?

To me, giving up is about pain and deprivation. When we let go, however, we open ourselves and surrender to love and the possibility of transformation.

Here's a new video for you, where I explore the paradigms of giving up versus letting go. These are powerful concepts that can transform our lives, our loves, and the way we experience what challenges and frightens us. 

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Holistic Abundance

Jennifer Schmid

“Abundance” has become a buzz word in the last several years. A lot of people equate wealth and abundance with money and material goods. We all know that material wealth is only a single facet of abundance. Yet in our quest to achieve that wealth and abundance, we often sacrifice other areas of our lives — our physical health or personal relationships, for example. You have to be willing to invest in yourself to create abundance.

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Why I'm not afraid of measles

Jennifer Schmid

Update, January 30, 2015: Thank you so much for your positive feedback about this post! You people rock. Due to popular demand, I have revised the blog to include more citations so that you know I am not pulling the wool over your eyes. Likewise, at the request of nutrition guru, Sally Fallon Morrell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, I have added in two more effective prevention strategies to help boost immunity, both of which are, of course, back up by science, just like all the others. Be sure to download the revised Strategy flyer!

Everyone should follow a measles prevention strategy by strengthening their health and immune system, even if they're vaccinated. Here's my strategy.


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