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Get Healthy Naturally with Jennifer Schmid | Speaker.  Healer.  Nurse.  Naturopath. 

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Our latest blogs and podcasts on earth-based medicine, current trends in healthcare, and finding the balance.

Filtering by Tag: love

Divinely Inspired: Jane Mayer

Jennifer Schmid

Beauty! Last month I had the privilege of interviewing the beautiful Jane Mayer for the latest episode of Divinely Inspired. Jane inspires me so much; she is a young, feminine wisdom carrier from multiple lineages of the past, present and future. It’s such a pleasure to introduce Jane to all of you!

Jane Mayer is a singer/songwriter, poet, storyteller and multidimensional guide to the shamanic realms – she is a multidimensional sound channel for the heart of the human experience. Her transmissions weave rhythms from the heart of the Earth, the harmonies of the Deep South where she was born, and the cosmic hums of the mystic Holy One. She offers teachings, retreats, sessions, and sacred ceremonies around the world.

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Creating the Language of the New Earth (The Juicy Astrology for September 27 through October 5, 2021)

Jennifer Schmid

Beauties! The energy for the next several days leading up to the New Moon on October 6 is really lovely. There are so many supportive and encouraging aspects, including a grand trine in air that supports our commitment to speaking and walking our truth, even when we feel like the lone voice in the wilderness.

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Red, White, Blue and Chocolate

Jennifer Schmid

The other day I posted a picture on Facebook of the chocolate cake I had baked in honor of my son’s birthday.  With just 5 nutrient-dense ingredients, the cake satisfied on so many different levels, and it was easy to eat a piece guilt-free.

Several people have asked for the recipe, which you can access by clicking on the photo above.

How did you celebrate the 4th of July? Did you host a party? Head to the hills to watch the fireworks presentations? Admittedly I was more in the mood for and in need of some self-care, so I did a meditation in honor of the new moon, ran some errands, and then headed to the hills not to watch fireworks, but to take a walk in the fresh air at Rancho San Antonio Open Space Preserve. I had had a decision hanging over my head, and taking a long stroll out in nature, listening to the hum of the bees in the oak trees, and watching the baby quail scuttle about were the ideal way for me to tap into that inner wisdom patiently waiting to be heard above life’s cacophonous din.
Heeding the Inner Voice

It can be difficult to heed our inner voice amid all the “noise” that is out there, especially if the decision goes against popular thought and belief systems. And yet, once we’ve tapped into that wisdom, it’s so important to follow our hearts and speak our truths, because not doing so can impact our health on many levels. I’ve had more than one client come to see me with a sore throat or laryngitis right around the same time they had to bite their tongue due to office politics, or because of family dynamics, or simply out of fear.  Not to mention the impact on one’s emotional, mental and spiritual health, knowing you can’t necessarily do or say the right thing – at least, what is right for you.

That intrinsic need to speak my truth is one reason why I don’t send out newsletters on a pre-determined basis, or why the topics might seem a little random but are always near and dear to my heart. I mean, sure, I could hire someone to write my newsletters for me so that they arrive in your inbox at the same time on the same day each week, but I’d much rather connect with you all in my authentic voice.
Speaking of my voice, I know a few of you were weirded out by the meditation on love I sent out last week. That’s OK. You never know when you might need it.  The meditation is a great way to send someone you care about a healthy dose of healing love. Mostly, though, I created the meditation because it helps empower me beyond the powerlessness of mass shootings, bombings at holy sites, forced vaccinations, and ethical voids that exist among the presumed “leaders” of our world today.

 Love trumps fear every time.

If you missed the meditation, you can access it here. 

And if your health is suffering from the stress of not being able to speak your truth, send me an email by replying to this newsletter, or give me a call. We’ll give your body the nutritional support it needs so that you can reclaim your power in the ways that work best for you.

Unrequited love, burning poetry, and healing magic

Jennifer Schmid

 There is no podcast this week. In honor of last week’s new moon in Libra, I have been releasing old wounds that hold me back in my business and my relationships and prevent me from realizing my potential as a woman, a mother, and a healer.

As part of the healing process and at the suggestion of a friend and colleague who is a psychotherapist for the gifted, I burned a stack of about 20 poems that I had written in high school. Most of them were about unrequited love (sigh…), being the rejected ugly duckling, and how dreams couldn’t possibly come true. While each poem burned, I said thank you and good-bye to the words and their significance. I let go of the angst, the pain, the shame, and the fear. I made room for beauty, love, and gratitude. Then after I burned the poems, I realized there was much more within.

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