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Get Healthy Naturally with Jennifer Schmid | Speaker.  Healer.  Nurse.  Naturopath. 

Ringing in 2018 (Let's make 2018 amazing!)


Our latest blogs and podcasts on earth-based medicine, current trends in healthcare, and finding the balance.

Ringing in 2018 (Let's make 2018 amazing!)

Jennifer Schmid

Happy New Year! I hope you are spending the day doing what you love with those you love. 

As I mentioned in my last blog, I had much to be grateful for in 2017. There were many beautiful, wonderful moments, and well, let’s just say that I learned important lessons from the many challenges life presented to me.

Setting goals

Now it’s time to look forward and set the goals for 2018. The actual statistics vary, but we know that people who write down their goals are far more likely to accomplish them. The idea is to put them up where you can see them and read them frequently, and then take an action everyday — whether big or small — towards one of your goals. 

For instance, one of your 2018 goals might be to buy only organic foods and groceries. In order to accomplish this goal financially, you might set aside the money you previously spent on a big name latte in the morning towards your food budget instead of the $5 not-organic beverage you used to buy, brewing your own healthier, organic joe in the morning and saving upwards of $250 per month in the process. Suddenly that organic pasture-raised chicken at the farmer’s market seems much more affordable!

My big goal for 2018

My big goal for OASIS WELLNESS in 2018 is to teach people — consumers and especially health-care providers — about all of the ways that earth-based medicine can benefit our health and how to incorporate its tools into our daily lives and practice.

The reality is, the pharmaceutical drugs, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation offered by conventional medicine always have adverse effects associated with them and often do more harm than good. I could fill pages with examples I have seen with my own eyes of the damage to people’s immune systems and their microbiome caused by frequent, unnecessary use of antibiotics. 

In the last year, I have met dozens of health care providers  — from physicians to nurses to physical therapists — who are desperate to help people heal naturally but aren’t sure where to start. They are frustrated by the few options available in the conventional health care system and exhausted by the bureaucracy of “health” insurance paperwork.

That’s why I am committing 2018 to teaching others and sharing my knowledge and expertise through: 

  • more classes on (watch for coupons and discounts here)
  • facilitating group purification programs — let’s take the fear out of cleansing!
  • growing the Wellness Oasis Facebook group community
  • facilitating a group for healthcare providers who want to incorporate earth-based medicine into their practice
  • speaking and community outreach 

I am so grateful that you have joined me on this worthwhile mission to change the face of conventional health care. I invite you to forward this blogl to three people you know, whether friends, family or health-care providers, or share it on your Facebook feed, if you feel moved. We can accomplish so much more working together.  

As always, my long-standing goal remains being your number one resource for bridging the gap between conventional and earth-based medicine. Please don’t hesitate to reach out via email, my website or the Facebook group if you have questions or need help. 

I wish you a very Happy New Year and hope that 2018 is your best year yet!

